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2016-2017 UF Lung Transplant Outcome Report

The UF Lung Transplant program continues to grow in volume, decrease patient waitlist times and improve patient outcomes. In calendar year 2016, UF performed the most lung transplants in the state of Florida while also exceeding the national average for patient survival rates. For more information on the UF…

The Importance of Good Rest

Scott Ryals, MD The Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine’s Dr. Scott Ryals was featured in a WCJB-TV20 patient story surrounding the importance of good rest. Dr. Ryals discussed healthy sleep habits and updates on the latest sleep medicine treatments. To watch the full interview, please visit:…

The Great American Smokeout!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Davis Cancer Pavilion lobby for the Great American Smokeout on November 16th! Many added a thumbprint to our Butterfly of Hope painting. Sixtysix people stopped by for tips on how to quit smoking and how to prevent lung cancer. 33 took a quit…

Welcome Dr. Mehrad!

Borna Mehrad, Professor and Chief The Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine would like to welcome Borna Mehrad, MD. Dr. Mehrad will serve as the Chief of Pulmonary, Critical  Care & Sleep Medicine.  He joins UF after holding the E. Cato Drash Professorship in Pulmonary Medicine at the…

$2 million NIH grant to help UF researchers pursue multiple sclerosis vaccine

Many drug treatments for multiple sclerosis suppress the entire immune system, a big drawback that leaves patients susceptible to infection and cancer. Now two University of Florida researchers have been awarded a $2.6 million grant by the National Institutes of Health to study the development of a vaccine in mouse…

Dr. Mehta & Dr. Jantz – JoVe Publication

Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Intratumoral Injection of Cisplatin for the Treatment of Isolated Mediastinal Recurrence of Lung Cancer.…

DoM Excellence in Teaching Awards 2016 – Pulmonary Winners

This year the department of medicine honored a number of outstanding teachers for the 2016 DoM Excellence in Teaching Awards. Our division had three physicians who were honored and recognized for their dedication to teaching our students – future physicians and scientists. Congratulations!        …

Pulmonary Support Group – ElderCare of Alachua County

Dear members of the Senior Recreation Center,  Mark your calendars – a new support group will begin in June at the Senior Recreation Center! Beginning Monday, June 13th a Pulmonary Support Group for adults with chronic lung disease, their family members, and/or friends will…